Wednesday, 12 November 2008

joyce meyers rocks

oh!!!!!!!so was watching a little joyce meyer on the tele earlier today, and that lady rocks!

anyways... she said something that totally hit home for me. she was talking about prayin' and stuff like that and said something along the lines of, "some people have "no life in it, because they made it a law"". so what does that mean to this chicka.... i meditate meditate meditate meditate everyday.not expecting any experience or anything, but still sometimes do it just for the "law" or routine of it. not taking a moment before starting to really be present and recognize what am doing. and yes...of course on the subtle levels all sorts of "life", amazing jazz, is probably happening. but the thought came that i'm probably doing it because it's "the law". this made up, created thing that just isn't the point. it's the tool used. the "life" IS. It Is This,That,Everything. i just use the tool because it great.

she also went onto the difference between receiving and getting and how we get the two confused. then she went to the definition of both, which found interesting.

receive: transitive verb1: to come into possession of 2 a: to act as a receptacle or container for b: to assimilate through the mind or senses3 a: to permit to enter : admit b: welcome , greet c: to react to in a specified manner4: to accept as authoritative, true, or accurate : believe5 a: to support the weight or pressure of : bear b: to take (a mark or impression) from the weight of something c: acquire , experience d: to suffer the hurt or injury

get:which can be used as a verb or a noun. transitive verb1 a: to gain possession of b: to receive as a return : earn2 a: to obtain by concession or entreaty b: to become affected by : catch 3 a: to seek out and obtain b: to obtain and bring where wanted or needed 4: beget5 a: to cause to come or go b: to cause to move c: to cause to be in a certain position or condition d: to make ready : prepare 6 a: to be subjected to b: to receive by way of punishment c: to suffer a specified injury to 7 a: to achieve as a result of military activity b: to obtain or receive by way of benefit or advantage 8 a: seize b: overcome c: to have an emotional effect d: irritate e: puzzle f: to take vengeance on ; specifically : kill g: hit9: to prevail on : cause 10 a: have —used in the present perfect tense form with present meaning b: to have as an obligation or necessity —used in the present perfect tense form with present meaning 11 a: to find out by calculation b: memorize c: hear d: understand12: to establish communication with13: to put out in baseball14: deliver 6b

so obviously there's a lot of defining things to these words, which again are just words, which am not going to get into right now. and honestly sometimes people who study the bible put too much emphasis on words which in their original translation or definition may have been different. but it caught my attention and thought to investigate more. now what did joyce have to say about it? don't know the program ended, but these talks these days are about relationships; with God, Partner, self, and world.

light love and blessings

Friday, 7 November 2008

nap time

ohhhh beautiful DC yesterday. haven't gone to bed yet. been up for almost 24 hr. going to take bath and nap and meet up with flight attendant in china town. still love jasan mraz, prettiest friend, and god moves through you....sooo nice.

like love and blessings.nap time mal luber artist

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

go obama, though it hasn't nothing to do with what i just wrote.

Ohhh!!! just found this pic and was totally there. it's in illinois, about 4hr or so drive from fairfield, ia.

So just kind of realized, don't really ever mention other men to my guy friends. and more so, never have. it's always been one of those things. in fact my girlfriends are lucky to here anything of interest about men interests in my life. that way i keep all men at a neutral. yeah right. what was that even supposed to mean.

am still planning on learning french. too bad my italian france man doesn't seem to be working out and my french london man still has a girlfriend.

ohh but just got done talking and emailing two of my favorite guy friends and now realize...realize absolutley nothing.

am headed to dc tomorow. won't it be ironic if my absontee balot finaly arived today. ironic may not be the choice word, but am sticking with it.

email the one friend about india, more stuff came together, and just how amazing the short trip to italy was. ohhh italy....dear beautiful italy! did find out, though, that most restaurants and food places put lard or some pig byproduct in all your food, and your lucky if you find a place that doesn't. i'm talking the pizza dough, breads, but not so much the pasta.

so that's sam's quick note.

sending lots and lots of love and blessings to the universe. Go Obama!!!

Sunday, 2 November 2008

party party

helloooooo there!

hope life is going amazing!!! so funny am writing this like the start of an email.

don't know if i wrote anything about italy....met a lovely italian man who lives in paris. reconected with him via email. but no here back. so am letting that one go. again and again and again. ohhh...but he is ohhh so very lovely and sooooooo "my" type. mmmmm

well life keeps rockin and rollin and life is oh so very very beautiful these days. it even snowed on divali(spelling). oh that night fireworks, the nice illegal ones, for over 6 hours non stop. these folks know how to party party.