Thursday, 22 January 2009

pizza and service

Eating good pizza in london. this really is quite a concept. the pizza over here just isn't the same as america. not even the frozen stuff. but this is dominos, so it is 'american' pizza . housemate left some for me today. really nice. the reason i don't buy pizza or really any other food out is because it's about 20 pounds for a large. 17 for med and small's, which would be the american equivalent to a personal size pizza are average 8 pounds, multipy by 1.5 and that's the amount in dollars. not much motivation to eat pizza over here, needless to say. plus, it is kind of fun having pizza as a treat when i go back to US now.

so have been feeling really grateful to all the people who have set a foundation for themselves and their lifes work. how to explain....well for example, i get this astrology report once a week from this lady in london. so it's not like or some other international random 'you will come upon a great surprize this week' kind of reading. you can tell she has a general reading probably per 12 major rising signs. she's been doing it for a while so the emails are quite nice, fancyish, and personal. also...the groccer up the street, don't know how long they've had their shop, but their spices and teas inventory is great; well organized and competively priced. and as far as can see, they are not going anywhere. also, but strangley the original thought was brought about by the feeding program we started in sarasota. went to visit the other day and almost all the original helpers were there. this one lady even came up to me and made the comment about how cool it is that this was started 3 yr's ago and it's still going. she said something like, you left, but it still goes on every week( and they are starting a feeding on sat starting next week! yeah!) though my foundation was stable, there were enough others who already had a foundation in sarasota and were not going anywhere, so they just decided to turn the feeding into part of their sunday life routine. ohhhh sooo grateful. some of the 'homeys', as my friend likes to call them, thought i was a new face. had to smile, because that day, i was.

the big thing, or maybe not so big thing, about seeing the feeding program is that there was a bit of a fear that if got something going it may not last. the business in jax didn't sustain, but the feeding program did. maybe it has more to do with the heart of people then their strong foundation in something or somewhere. but having both people with good will and the willingness, and ability to do good are key things. either way, that created fear is gone. after what is FEAR but false evidence appearing real. heard that one a long time ago and still use it to this day.

light love blessings peace and joy

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